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NOTE: #Contributed equally           *Corresponding authors

19. Wei Xiong, Penglin Gao, Zhiwang Zhang*, Zichong Yue, Haixiao Zhang, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu* and Johan Christensen*

Demultiplexing Sound in Stacked Valley-Hall Topological Insulators

Physical Review B 104, 224108 (2021).

18. Bolun Hu, Zhiwang Zhang*, Haixiao Zhang, Liyang Zheng, Wei Xiong, Zichong Yue, Xiaoyu Wang, Jianyi Xu, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu* and Johan Christensen*

Non-Hermitian Topological Whispering Gallery

Nature 597, 655–659 (2021).

17. Zichong Yue, Danwei Liao, Zhiwang Zhang*, Wei Xiong, Ying Cheng* and Xiaojun Liu*

Experimental Demonstration of a Reconfigurable Acoustic Second-Order Topological Insulator Using Condensed Soda Cans Array

Applied Physics Letters 118, 203501 (2021).

16. Zhiwang Zhang, Ying Cheng* and Xiaojun Liu*

Subwavelength Higher-Order Topological Insulator Based on Stereo Acoustic Networks

J. Appl. Phys. 129, 135101 (2021).

15. Guan Wang, Zhiwang Zhang, Ye Gu, Danwei Liao, Ying Cheng* and Xiaojun Liu*

Zak-Phase-Inspired Acoustic Topological Edge States on the Honeycomb Lattice

Physical Review B 103, 094102 (2021).

14. Zhiwang Zhang, Bolun Hu, Feng Liu, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu*, and Johan Christensen*

Pseudospin Induced Topological Corner State at Intersecting Sonic Lattices

Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 101, 220102(R) (2020).


13. Penglin Gao*, Zhiwang Zhang, and Johan Christensen*,

Sonic Valley-Chern Insulators

Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 101, 020301(R) (2020).


12. Yihe Wang, Zhiwang Zhang, Ying Cheng*, and Xiaojun Liu*

Pseudospin Modes of Surface Acoustic Wave and Topologically Protected Sound Transmission in Phononic Crystal

Acta Physica Sinica 68, 227805 (2019).


11. Zhiwang Zhang#, Houyou Long#, Chen Liu, Chen Shao, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu*, and Johan Christensen*
Deep-Subwavelength Holey Acoustic Second-Order Topological Insulators
Advanced Materials 31, 1904682 (2019).

10. María Rosendo López, Zhiwang Zhang, Daniel Torrent, and Johan Christensen*

Multiple Scattering Theory of Non-Hermitian Sonic Second-Order Topological Insulators

Communications Physics 2, 132 (2019). [link]

9. Zhiwang Zhang, Ye Gu, Houyou Long, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu*, and Johan Christensen*

Subwavelength Acoustic Valley-Hall Topological Insulators Using Soda Cans Honeycomb Lattices

SPJ Research 2019, 5385763 (2019). [link] [pdf]

8. Zhiwang Zhang, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu*, and Johan Christensen*

Subwavelength Multiple Topological Interface States in One-Dimensional Labyrinthine Acoustic Metamaterials

Physical Review B 99, 224104 (2019). [link] [pdf]

7. Zhiwang Zhang, María Rosendo López, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu*, and Johan Christensen*

Non-Hermitian Sonic Second-Order Topological Insulator

Physical Review Letters 122, 195501 (2019). [link] [pdf]

6. Zhiwang Zhang, Ying Cheng*, and Xiaojun Liu*

Achieving Acoustic Topological Valley-Hall States By Modulating the Subwavelength Honeycomb Lattice

Scientific Reports 8, 16784 (2018). [link] [pdf]

5. Zhiwang Zhang#, Ye Tian#, Yihe Wang, Shuxiang Gao, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu*, and Johan Christensen*

Directional Acoustic Antennas Based on Valley-Hall Topological Insulators

Advanced Materials 30, 1803229 (2018). [link] [pdf]

4. Zhiwang Zhang#, Ye Tian#, Ying Cheng*, Qi Wei, Xiaojun Liu*, and Johan Christensen*

Topological Acoustic Delay Line

Physical Review Applied 9, 034032 (2018). [link] [pdf]

3. Zhiwang Zhang, Ye Tian, Ying Cheng*, Xiaojun Liu*, and Johan Christensen*

Experimental Verification of Acoustic Pseudospin Multipoles in a Symmetry-Broken Snowflakelike Topological Insulator

Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 96, 241306(R) (2017). [link] [pdf]

2. 张志旺、程营*、刘晓峻*


物理 46(10): 677-683 (2017).

1. Zhiwang Zhang, Qi Wei, Ying Cheng*, Ting Zhang, Dajian Wu, and Xiaojun Liu*

Topological Creation of Acoustic Pseudospin Multipoles in a Flow-Free Symmetry-Broken Metamaterial Lattice

Physical Review Letters 118, 084303 (2017). [link] [pdf]


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