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5. Zhiwang Zhang

Valley-Hall Topological Acoustics


Online, 12th October 2021. (Invited)


4. Zhiwang Zhang, Ye Tian, Ying Cheng, Xiaojun Liu, and Johan Christensen

Acoustic Antennas Based on the Topological Insulators

META 2019, the 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

Lisbon, Portugal, July 2019. (Oral)


3. Zhiwang Zhang, Ying Cheng, Xiaojun Liu, and Johan Christensen

Reconfigurable Topological Acoustic Devices

PIERS (PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium)

Rome, Italy, June 2019. (Invited)


2. Zhiwang Zhang, María Rosendo López, Ying Cheng, Xiaojun Liu, and Johan Christensen

Sonic Valley-Hall Topological Antennas and Non-Hermitian Second-order Topological Insulator

PIERS (PhotonIcs & Electromagnetics Research Symposium)

Rome, Italy, June 2019. (Invited)

1. Zhiwang Zhang, Qi Wei, Ying Cheng, Ting Zhang, Dajian Wu, and Xiaojun Liu

Topological Creation of Acoustic Pseudospin Multipoles in a Flow-Free Symmetry-Broken Metamaterial Lattice

META’17, the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

Incheon - Seoul, South Korea, July 2017. (Invited)

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